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and welcome to THE BRUNCH CLUB! My name is Neli. I'm a product designer from Germany. I moved to Nuremberg for a design job 9 years ago. I am not a professional chef but I always loved cooking and hosting. Being in the kitchen allows me to relax from everyday life - it’s my kind of meditation. Since the social aspects of cooking and eating are very important to me, I want to share my passion with you. 




The beginning

For a long time, I was dreaming about opening my own space like a café or a deli. But at the same time, it feels like a too big commitment. So, I asked myself what is the intention behind my dream? I want to have my own creative playground. I want to create and serve great food and create a community. 


I tried to connect these dots and created THE BRUNCH CLUB. In 2020, I started hosting private brunch parties at my dining table, where 10 strangers would meet, chat and get to know each other whilst enjoying a vegan/veggie mediterranean brunch which I curated, crafted and created.


The first event in August 2020 was a success, and the feedback was overwhelming. It motivated me to keep going. The Brunch Club grew out of my living room and I started collaborating with amazing spaces to host the events. After some time I started offering  private and business catering, we created our first ceramic collection and there are a lot more projects in the pipeline.  The Brunch Club is always in motion and that's what I love the most about it. 

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Oh! And don't forget to follow us on social media 

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